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Why Your Contribution Matters in Our School Board Campaign

Dear Friends and Supporters,

Running a successful and competitive campaign for the School Board is about more than just sharing a vision—it’s about reaching out to every voter, ensuring our message is heard, and building the momentum we need to win. That’s where your contributions come in.

Why We Need Your Support:

In today’s political environment, even local campaigns require significant resources to be effective. From printing materials and yard signs to organizing events and reaching voters through various media, every aspect of the campaign requires funding. Your contribution helps us cover these essential costs and ensures we can run a campaign that truly represents the interests and needs of our community.

How Your Contribution Will Be Used:

  • Outreach and Communication: To connect with voters, we need to produce flyers, brochures, and mailers, as well as maintain a strong online presence. Your contribution will help fund these materials and ensure our message is clear and consistent.

  • Campaign Events: Hosting town halls, meet-and-greets, and other events are critical for building community support and hearing directly from voters. Your support will help us organize these events effectively.

  • Visibility: Yard signs, banners, and other visual materials are key to increasing our campaign’s visibility in the community. Your donation will help us get the word out and build name recognition.

  • Volunteer Support: Coordinating and supporting our dedicated volunteers takes resources. Contributions help provide the tools and materials our volunteers need to be effective in their roles.

Our Commitment to Transparency:

Transparency is one of the core values of our campaign. We believe that every dollar donated should be used wisely and ethically. That’s why I’m committed to providing clear and regular updates on how contributions are being spent. You can trust that your donation will be used solely for campaign purposes and that we will be fully accountable for every expense.

Your support is more than just a financial contribution—it’s an investment in the future of our schools and our community. Together, we can build a campaign that reflects our values, our vision, and our commitment to making a difference.

Thank you for considering a contribution to our campaign. Your support truly makes a difference, and I’m honored to have you by my side as we work toward a brighter future for our students.

With sincere gratitude,


P.S. Every contribution, no matter the size, helps us move closer to our goal. Thank you for your generosity and belief in our mission!

What are the contribution limits in Texas?

Unless you are contributing to a judge, judicial candidate, or specific-purpose political committee supporting or opposing a judge or judicial candidate, there are no contribution limits under state law. You can find information about the judicial contribution and expenditure limits in the Judicial Campaign Finance Guide. You should check with your local filing authority (city, county, school district, or other type of political subdivision) to find out whether there are any local restrictions.

Can businesses and labor organizations make political contributions?

Corporations (including nonprofit corporations) and labor organizations may not make political contributions in connection with Texas and local elections.  In addition, the following associations, whether incorporated or not, are considered to be corporations for purposes of the restriction on corporate political contributions: banks, trust companies, savings and loan associations or companies, insurance companies, reciprocal or inter-insurance exchanges, railroad companies, cemetery companies, government-regulated cooperatives, stock companies, and abstract and title insurance companies. 

A corporation may, however, establish and administer its own political committee.

A professional corporation or professional association is not considered a “corporation” for purposes of the restrictions on corporate political contributions, and may make political contributions subject to the above restrictions.  See Ethics Commission Rules § 20.1(4).

A limited liability company (LLC), partnership, limited partnership, or any other form of business entity, may not make a political contribution in connection with Texas and local elections if the entity has any corporate ownership.  Otherwise, it is permitted to make political contributions.

COH Local Guide (Campaign Finance Guide for Candidates and Officeholders Who File With Local Filing Authorities) (

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Our campaign is powered by your donations.
$1,470.00 of $2,500.00
Committee to Elect Benny R. Kinsey
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